the art of recieving and giving or how to strengthen your consent muscle - a wheel of consent workshop with Puma Höflich

The art of giving and receiving or how to strengthen your consent muscle for LGBTIQA+ & allies

An embodied consent workshop based on the Wheel of Consent® for LGBTIQA+ & allies, in english

Why is it so hard to ask for what we want?
What gets in our way?
How to know what we want, trust in our own desires, and communicate them to others?
How to strengthen our consent muscle?

Wanna get answers to the questions above?
Join me for a weekend guided practice laboratory in a queer environment to learn skills from the Wheel of Consent®.

The Wheel of Consent® is a practise, based on the idea of consent as an agreement between people, with a clear understanding who is doing and who it is for. This practice allows us a much deeper engagement with understanding our own wants and desires and our boundaries and limits.

This workshop is about:

• Connecting with your wishes/ needs/ desires on a somatic level (your mind might know, but what about your bodymind?) and learning to ask for it
• Making choices – learning how to choose for yourself
• Finding your no/ yes in your body
• Determining two different forms of giving and receiving and why the difference matters
• Becoming friend with your limits and overcoming shame around those
• Learning to receive exactly what you asked for
• Learning to give what you are willing to and not more
• Stopping going along with stuffe

At the end of this weekend, you will:

• Have a deeper understanding of how to know and to feel it in your body what it is you want
• Be able to trust and value your desires
• Better know in your body your authentic “yeses” and “nos”
• Have some tools to communicate your wants and your limits to others
• experience how much fun it is to navigate fullhearted with others

This workshop is for people, who
• think of themselves, they can easily say Yes and No
• think of themselves, they hardly can feel and express a true Yes and No
• who want to recover from pleasing others
• who work as professional “touchers”
• want to create more ease within themselves and with others

It is for
• individuals
• couples of all sorts. Please attend to your touch agreements with your partner beforehand.
• people who see themselves in the LGBTIQ+ spectrum
• straight and cisfolks who question binaries in general and who see themselves as allies to the LGBTIQ+ community

No prior experience necessary. For those who have been exposed to the „Wheel“, and those who haven’t, there are always new levels of awareness to be found.

This might sound like a workshop about touch, actually it is about choosing. You can attend even though you know already you do not wanna touch anyone at all, and this might change or not.

Ready to join?

Maximum number of paricipants: 12

Location: Berlin Kreuzberg
Dates and times:: november 1-3 2024
Friday 19.00 – 21.00
Saturday 10.30 – 18.30 (lunch break from 13:30 – 15:30)
Sunday 10.00 – 16.30  (lunch break from 12:30 – 14:00)

This is the first exercise of the course: The „Payment from the heart“. It sounds like sliding scale, but works different.
First step: You decide, if you wanna participate at all.
Take three deep breaths, asking your heart „Hej sweetie, is this something we would love to attend?“
If the answer is „HELL YES“, then ask your heart what is possible for you to pay.
200€ Minimum for you
270€ is sustainable for me
290€ My long-term edge-of-sustainable revenue (not necessarily very profitable), means f.i. I would be able to pay running costs and having some money on the side for the times I am sick and not able to work. It also allows me to be more generous with the „Food and shelter“ rate.
You can also pay „in – betweens“.
FOOD AND SHELTER: If you live in an economy, or are simply in a financial situation, where spending 190€ might mean you can’t afford food or keeping a roof over your head, you are invited with an open heart to choose an amount lower than the minimum. If this is your situation, I am serious about welcoming you. Please write me an email.
However you and your heart decides is okay with my heart.

English/German as needed

Please register here

COVID-19/Health Policy:
If you feel sick, please stay at home.
Covid protocol will be announced shortly before, depending on the actual situation, we might test every day.

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