
Congratulations – you found me! Whatever the reason, you’ve landed on my page!
First I would like to invite you to do a small but powerful exercise. Take three minutes (more if you like) just for yourself! Sit up straight or, even better, stand up, feel your feet and take three deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths. How does your body feel?
Do you feel your feet on the ground, do you feel your heart? How does that feel? Do you feel your stomach? Your sexual center? How deep is your breath?
This is just a small taste of what my sessions and different playshops are about: noticing what is alive in you NOW!

Do you want to feel your body? Breathe deeply into your belly?
Do you give a lot in your everyday life, but come up short when it comes to you?
Are you fed up with not feeling at home in your body?
Would you like to experience lust and/or ecstasy beyond a (romantic) relationship?
Are you longing for more consent with and within yourself as well as the people around you?
Do you feel like what you have or haven’t experienced in terms of eroticism can’t possibly have been everything?
Do you long for connection/s and exchange with those who have similar needs as you?
Do you want to fully realize your erotic and sexual potential?
… and all this beyond binary categories?

Do you feel an ecstatic “YES” in response to these questions?
Or is it more of a small “yes”, with a shy scaredy-cat hiding just behind?
Then my offer could be just the thing for you!

My playshops focus on different themes:
One of my pronouns is “consent”. I love consent, I love what comes when we are in consent with ourselves and with others. In a consensual state it is easier for us to enter previously unexpected spheres, untie old knots and experience new dimensions. Consent plays a role in all of my offerings. With the “Wheel of consent” we dive deep into what consent means.
In other playshops I work with meditations and with the chakras, I do breathing exercises, sensual and erotic massages, sex magic, and rituals on various topics. Playshops usually include a breathing orgasm because I don’t want to withhold this experience from you! Depending on the focus, there is more of one or the other.
I am sex positive, which means that I am deeply in favor of physical pleasure, ecstasy and sexuality. For me there is a life force in all kinds of pleasure.
This brings me to the political dimension: The power in sensuality and eroticism isn’t always obviously given to us. Sometimes it must be carefully “kissed awake”. Feelings like guilt and shame, being “too much” or “not enough” or being too whatever often get in the way. With practice we can reconnect with this power, making it available to us more quickly when needed.
If you’ve read this far, now is another opportunity to take three deep breaths: INHALE – EXHALE

Supporting you in reaching out to yourself and your heart again and again is important to me. When our actions are guided by the heart, the unexpected sometimes emerges.
In my playshops you can expand your limits by first noticing, feeling and respecting them. When the space is safe enough, that boundaries are not violated, they find it easier to expand.
And maybe – as frequently happens with travel – you will arrive at a completely new, previously unknown place! I would like to invite you on this journey. I am happy to be your travel companion with the magical treasure chest I have in my toolbox!

If you don’t want to join group events and prefer individual sessions, I invite you to take a look at my 1:1 sessions and choose the one that suits you. I look forward to receiving a message from you and we can discuss details in person.

My motto, which continues to ring true, is:
“What is may be, what may be changes!”

Still curious, but insecure, where to go? Then again, take a few deep breaths into your heart and ask “Shall we dare? Shall we dare get more information?”

Can’t make up your mind?
Then ask your sexual center “Shall we dare…?!?”

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