Session: Bossy Massage oder ‘How would you like to be touched?’

  • Do you find it difficult to figure out how you want to be touched, to trust your impulse, value it and, finally, to communicate it?
  • Do you know exactly how you want to be touched, but you don’t dare to share it cuz of shame or other reasons?

In this session you get to decide and dictate!
You are the boss of your wants and your desires.
I accompany you. I’m there, with my limits. Everything is possible.
It can be deeply touching and empowering to express a wish and to hear a “yes, sure” in response. And then to be touched EXACTLY the way you wanted.
It can be very empowering to express a want, to hear a “No, I can’t imagine doing so.” Then a short pause…you feel into yourself again: What other want comes up? You express it and the response is “yes, sure”.
Your wants and wishes are fully under your control. The experience of receiving a “no” without a feeling of doom and, instead, perceiving it quite naturally as a sign of the other person sticking to their own limits, is extremely liberating and requires practice!
The bossy massage can happen clothes on or off.

Duration: at least 1.5 hours, including preliminary discussion
Cost: 100€ – 140€/hour according to self-assessment

Your body is your temple
Your body leads you to your feelings
Your feelings lead you to your heart
Your heart leads you to your soul

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